FHFA Cancels DTI Mortgage Fee: A Positive Development for Borrowers and the Housing Market


FHFA Cancels DTI Mortgage Fee: A Positive Development for Borrowers and the Housing Market

In a move that has been met with widespread approval and relief in the housing industry, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced on May 3rd, 2023, that they are canceling the controversial Debt-to-Income (DTI) mortgage fee. This is a decision that will positively impact millions of Americans looking to purchase a home.

What is DTI Mortgage Fee?

For those who are not familiar with the DTI mortgage fee, it is a charge imposed on borrowers who have a debt-to-income ratio above 43%. The DTI ratio is a measure of how much debt a borrower has in relation to their income. The fee was put in place in 2021 by the FHFA as a way to protect Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from losses.

The problem with this fee was that it disproportionately affected low- and moderate-income borrowers, who often have higher DTI ratios due to factors such as student loans, medical debt, or credit card debt. As a result, the fee made it more difficult for these borrowers to qualify for a mortgage, or it made their mortgages more expensive, putting homeownership further out of reach.

Why is Cancelling DTI Mortgage Fee a Good Thing?

The cancellation of the DTI mortgage fee is a significant victory for borrowers who were previously burdened by this fee. Here are a few reasons why this decision is a good thing:

  1. It makes homeownership more affordable: By eliminating this fee, low- and moderate-income borrowers can now qualify for a mortgage at a lower cost. This means more people can afford to buy a home and build wealth for their families.
  2. It promotes financial stability: Homeownership is a cornerstone of financial stability. By making it easier for people to buy a home, we are promoting financial stability for individuals, families, and communities.
  3. It promotes economic growth: The housing market is a significant contributor to the economy. By making it easier for people to buy a home, we are promoting economic growth and job creation.
  4. It is a step towards greater equity: The cancellation of the DTI mortgage fee is a step towards greater equity in the housing market. It removes a barrier that disproportionately affected low- and moderate-income borrowers, and it levels the playing field for all borrowers.

What Does This Mean for Borrowers?

For borrowers, this decision means that they can now qualify for a mortgage at a lower cost. If you were previously unable to qualify for a mortgage or were deterred by the cost, now is the time to revisit your options. With the elimination of the DTI mortgage fee, you may be able to qualify for a mortgage and achieve your dream of homeownership.

What Does This Mean for the Housing Market?

For the housing market, this decision is a positive development. It removes a barrier that was preventing people from buying homes and contributing to the growth of the market. The elimination of the DTI mortgage fee will likely lead to an increase in demand for housing, which could lead to an increase in home prices. However, this increase in demand could also lead to an increase in construction and job creation in the housing industry.

The FHFA's decision to cancel the DTI mortgage fee is a significant win for borrowers and the housing market. It promotes financial stability, economic growth, and equity in the housing market. If you were previously deterred by the cost of a mortgage, now is the time to revisit your options. With the elimination of the DTI mortgage fee, you may be able to qualify for a mortgage and achieve your dream of homeownership.

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